The hands-down best way to get started with any new activity like iPhone development is to get some training. Some people are fine with books and Internet surfing, but usually this is not good enough.
Why Does Reading Fall Short?
The problem with starting out is that you’re starting out and you think that you can digest the whole Internet at once. All this does is lead to confusion and inaction. With iOS as with anything else, there’s a hundred ways to do hundreds of tasks.
What’s the Solution?
It’s simple really: you need a roadmap and a little bit of guidance, at least in the beginning. Do the math: is it easier and more effective to learn the one best way, or would you rather slog through the 1000s of possible second-best ways of doing things?
This is why iPhone Training is so important to new developers. You can shave weeks, months and even years off the time you need to become a successful app developer just by taking a online class like iOS Code Camp.
Are You Ready To Invest In Yourself?
This is really the question… The mobile opportunity isn’t going to be here forever, but there’s still time to get in before things get even bigger. Are you ready to get started with iPhone developer training?
Why or why not?