Most programmers and software developers need a bit of help when it comes to the idea of design. Am I wrong? We get caught up, rightly so usually, in the notion of how to get things done. Implementation is our speciality.
But, guess what? Design is an important part of the development process. Here are some resources that you can explore to get just a little bit of help. Note: some of these resources are affiliates if they happen to have an affilate program.
iOS Designer Resources
Mobile apps require nice interfaces, icons and overall design. Programming is only part of the task in developing an app. Here are some trainings and other types of resources about mobile app design.
The Vault - here you can get some pre-made app themes crafted by Tope who has recently authored some guest posts on this blog about customizing your table view cells and tab bars. This is a way to fast forward and practically outsource your design process on the cheap.
price: $47-$140 (affiliate)
Patterns - a website about mobile designs so you can use this as a source of inspiration
about your own mobile app designs.
price: free
Glyphish - nifty
icons that you can use in your tab bar and toolbars.
price: $29
OmniGraffle -
this is a storyboarding system that helps you design iOS apps and also other constructs like flow charts.
Available for Macand iPad.
price: $49 for iPad, $199 for Mac (affiliate)
Tapptics - if you want to completely customize your app’s graphics Jen from Tappics can help you out. Her product includes 100′s of design files, tutorials on using graphics programs to make UI elements and programming tutorials for customizing UI. She throws in some marketing and outsourcing tips as well.
price: $97-$597 (affiliate)
Do you have any great design resources to add to this collection?