Watch me help a Code Camper debug his lab project

Matthew Campbell, September 20, 2011

One of the most exciting aspects of iOS Code Camp is that I can help new developers debug there code and get them past any sticking points. The truth is that in iOS Code Camp I’ll push you pretty hard to turn you into a master developer – but I’m also here to help.

What is really great with using technology like GoToMeeting and Base Camp is that I can provide this type of help online at any time and since your debugging sessions are recorded you can view them in your own time.

Here is an example of the debugging session from the last iOS Code Camp…

If you can’t see an embedded YouTube video above please follow this link to see me debug a Code Camper’s source code:

PS: registeration for iOS Code Camp ends in less than a week! Spots are limited so follow this link to iOS Code Camp to find out more and register today.