How To Become An iOS App Developer In Three Weeks Or Less

Matthew Campbell, August 11, 2011

So many times I hear people saying things like,

If only I knew how to make iPhone apps I’d make a killer Twitter, Facebook, Angry Birds or whatever app…


I have a great idea for this app that I jus know will be great do you know anyone who can make iPhone apps???

Or even

We want a mobile strategy in our company but we have no idea where to start…

Are You a Talker or Are You a Doer?

The funny thing about the statements above are that the same people repeat the same statements months or years later.  Ideas are a dime a dozen and talking is easy.  Most developers know that execution is everything.

Did you know that you can learn iOS app development in as little as three weeks?

Yep, its true.  Anyone who wistfully talks and talks about becoming an app developer without acting is fooling themselves because it doesn’t take much effort at all to actually become an app developer and start putting apps out there.

The question I have for you is: are you interested in talking about getting involved with mobile apps or are you going to do something about it?

Execution Is Everything

Original ideas are overrated and lots of times the guy with the original idea is overrun by the guy who sees the idea but knows how to execute.  In technology the prize goes to the guy who can make things happen.

These are the developers.

Today you have a massive opportunity to become a doer, executor and a developer for mobile.  You can be the one who sees the big ideas and more importantly knows how to execute.  You can be the one that makes things happen.

What Can Executors Do?

People in startups know that they need the right people who can get things done.  Savvy business guys know that they need a technical co-founder.  That can be you.

Or executors can simply eat what they kill as consultants.  Especially in mobile with its volatility developers who know mobile and can consult on the broader issues with mobile apps are worth a lot to online and offline business.  If the techno-mercenary lifestyle suites you then executing as a consultant may be just the thing.

Of course, executors can also drive innovation in big companies.  Leveraging your results as an innovator in mobile can be a great path to becoming an indispensable though leader.  Especially as mobile proves itself as the future of computing.

Finally, you can always throw your own hat into the ring as an independent app publisher.  If you feel that you do have the idea and the execution then this may be a path to freedom and wealth for you.  Freedom in the sense that you choose what you work on.

How Do You Get These Mobile Skills?

So I’m not going to leave you hanging and I know that it may actually seem daunting to become a master chef iOS app developer.  Honestly, slogging it out on your own certainly can be justifiably daunting.

Today I have an offer for you because I know that I can help you get here so please hear me out.  Soon after the app store went live and I made some money with apps I developed a training system for new iOS app developers.

Over the past two and a half years I’ve used this system in my live in-person training events to get new developers up to speed in three days.  These were boot camp style events.

So I know that I can help you because I’ve helped hundreds of other people.

Maybe it’s my psych degree or the time I’ve put in as counselor but I’ve learned that my strength is helping, mentoring and coaching other people.  That is why I’ve just launched iOS Code Camp.

How iOS Code Camp Will Turn You Into An App Developer Ninja In Three Weeks

iOS Code Camp is just like going to a training event.  You attend live presentations, ask questions, participate in coding labs and get help from me personally when you need it.  This is what works and its the quickest way to learn the best coding practices to develop iOS apps.

Here is what is different with iOS Code Camp:


  • It’s delivered to your office or home with GoToMeeting web conferencing
  • iOS Code Camp is three weeks long (every weekday 2:30-4:30 EST (New York time)
  • Content is recorded so you don’t need to be present – you can always watch later
  • You can ask questions at any time via an exclusive BaseCamp project that I’ve set up for students –  I check at set times to answer questions
  • iOS Code camp is limited to 15 people so everyone gets a fair share of mentoring and coaching


Guess what?  iOS Code Camp only last three weeks because that is the ideal time it takes to master this stuff.  But, just in case you want to go back later on and re-view content I’m also offering anyone who signs up for iOS Code Camp a Lifetime Membership to the Mobile App Mastery Institute ($997 value) for free!

This free bonus includes:


  • How to program eCourse (XCode 3 – Objective-C OOP)
  • iOS SDK Seminar (XCode 4.0 and iOS SDK 4.3)
  • How To Make An iPhone App eBook
  • iOS Mastery Subscription (new advanced content each month)
  • iOS Code Camp Present and Future Content (XCode 4.2 and iOS SDK 5)
  • Members-Only Forum


That’s everything I have to offer and is worth well over the $997 Lifetime Membership.  Of course, iOS Code Camp students get this once they finish the three week iOS Code Camp for free.

So if you’re ready to be become a doer, exector and iOS developer click through to the iOS Code Camp product page and learn all the details and how to register (btw: there are only 5 spots left…).

PS: As Of Right Now There Are Only Five Spots Left For iOS Code Camp!

We are filling up fast and August 15th is the start date.  So if you are at all interested in attending this session click through to the iOS Code Camp product page and learn all the details and how to register.  We are shutting this page done as soon as we have 5 more registered members or late Friday night whichever comes first.