Getting Started With iOS Development

Matthew Campbell, January 25th, 2011

Do you dream of making magical apps for the iPad or iPhone?  Are you excited about writing software for iOS?

iOS is the new name for the operating system that runs the iPhone and now the iPad.  It really just stands for “operating system” which is something that all computers use to get things done.  The iPhone and iPad use iOS to get things done.

Programmers use iOS to make the apps that we all buy everyday.  It seems like you may need to be a rocket scientist or brain doctor to understand how to make apps but that is just not the case.  You simply need to learn how to give your iOS device instructions in a language that it understands.

I’m really excited to share that I have created a new email course along with a video tutorial series called Getting Started With iOS Development that will show you how to create your first iOS application.  You will also find out exactly what programming languages and technologies that you will need to learn to become a ninja mobile app developer.  And it’s free!

Yes it’s free and not only that but you will get a few more goodies that I am super-eager to share.  All you need to do to get this email course and video tutorial series is to stick your name and email address into the two boxes below and click the submit button:

This upgrade to our newsletter is just the first announcement that I have this week.  The blog here is getting some rad new features and you are about to see some big news coming up!

Hi Matt,
I have tried to contact you on two email addresses and I couldn’t get to you. Please contact me regarding an important and serious project I want to talk to you about.

Best regards,

Thanks for offering the free course for iOS development. I’ve subsbribe for the course already. Also i want to know if there is any good ebook that you would recommend for iPhone devalopment?

Hey @allie0,

Of course I have to recommend since I have personally tweaked this to be the best possible iOS training.

You can also check out the first two eBooks pictured on the right on this web page.