Now You Can Test and Track Your App’s Usage!

Matthew Campbell, October 29th, 2009

Do you want to know who is how many people are using your app, how you retain customers or what parts of your app are used the most?

Most bloggers like me are used to using Google Analytics to keep track of how many people read their articles, see pages on their websites and much much more.  This is very sophisticated and free software that bloggers depend on to run their businesses.  It is high stakes for some people as well: the rates bloggers can charge advertisers depends on data gleamed from Google Analytics.

Now you can do the same thing for iPhone or Android apps.  Google announced last Tuesday that they have framework that you can add to your app that will track it’s usage.  As you can imagine this is important when developers start trying to decide on what app to invest more time into or what part of your app should have the most time allocated to it.

Media Coverage:  Google Analytics adds mobile reporting, iPhone/Android app tracking

From Google: Instructions on how to implement Google Analytics in your mobile app

Let us know if the comments if you think tracking your user’s behavior in your apps is a good idea.