Going to 360iDev and Want To Be Interviewed?

Matthew Campbell, September 24th, 2009

I’m psyched to be going to Denver next week for the 360iDev conference.

I am toying with the idea of interviewing the developers I met there (anyone who will talk to me!). If you are a developer, marketer or innocent bystander and what to appear on this site in either audio or visual format let me know in the comments below, Twitter or email at mattcampbell [at] howtomakeiphoneapps.com

Of course, even if I have no takers I may corner the random app developer while they are drunk and helpless at the bar so fear not!

So this is the question I will be trying to answer and frankly the reason I am attending. My own apps have been relatively successful and support my modest lifestyle, but there will be people at the conference who have knocked the ball out of the park! And I want to talk to all of them or really anyone who was something to add to the conversation about being successful app developers at any level.

Stop me and let’s talk at the conference if you have something to say. If you are being interviewed and would like a plug to your app and/or website I would love to pass you on some link juice. But, make sure to email me the information first so I can be sure that my readers can find you.

How are you personally involved in app development and/or business?

What does it mean to have a successful app?

What are the biggest challenges facing new developers/business today?

What advice can you give to people who are thinking about jumping in to iPhone development?

Outside of having a solid app, what is the most important thing you can do to promote your app?

If an independent developer had $1,000 to spend that could ONLY go towards promoting their app, how should they spend the thousand bucks?

What are you most excited right now in terms of the platform?

Do you think that a particular business model is going to win out in the app world?

What do you think the future holds for the mobile app space?

Use the comments below to submit questions. I will try to get as many as I can answered next week. Also, if you have any insight or answers to the questions above write them in below as well!