Today I am going to turn my iPhone into a Ray Gun by having it play a short laser sound. You probably have seen the many gun, laser and farting apps available on the Apple App Store. Most of these apps simply play a short sound along with some fancy graphics.
Here is the a summary of the steps I took in the video:
First, create a view based iPhone application in XCode and add a button to your view that will play the sound. If you need a refresher on how to use Interface Builder to hook up controls check out my article on adding a slider control.
Drag in the Audio Toolbox framework into your frameworks group in XCode. Here is a video on how to quickly add frameworks in XCode if you need it: Quick Tip: Adding Frameworks Painlessly in XCode. Remember that the framework will be all one word with the .framework extension, AudioToolbox.framework.
I used the website Joe’s Original Wave Files for this demo and found a nice laser sound to use. You can also buy the rights to use sounds in apps that you want to sell from websites like iStockPhoto.
To keep things simple I put all the code that you need to play the sound in an IBAction called “shoot”.
-(IBAction) shoot{
//Get the filename of the sound file:
NSString *path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",
[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath],
//declare a system sound id
SystemSoundID soundID;
//Get a URL for the sound file
NSURL *filePath = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path isDirectory:NO];
//Use audio sevices to create the sound
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)filePath, &soundID);
//Use audio services to play the sound
That is it – pretty simple way to add some cool effects to your app.