Interesting Stuff I Found This Week

Matthew Campbell, June 25th, 2009

Other the past few weeks I have come across some stuff that I think you may find interesting on the Inter-Tubes.

Exciting New Business Model

The first is a blog post, Trying Boutique Advertising, about “Boutique Advertising” – you may know that I am testing out different ways to use iPhone based advertising to increase sales of apps with little effect. This article takes about a completely different approach to running ads on the iPhone (vs commodity services like AdMob). It is interesting both as a business model and a potential advertising platform ($199 gets you a month of ads).

Super-Cool New Podcast

The next thing is a new podcast that I started listening to called “This Week In Startups“. This podcast is like having a huge mastermind group with some real players in the technology startup world. My business does not quick fit the mold of a technology startup, but they discuss a lot of things that technology entrepreneurs will find fascinating.

Getting Started with iPhone OS 3.0 Videos

Apple has made available videos that give you an overview of how to use the new features in the latest version of the OS. This link will open up the vidoes in iTunes – but if you have trouble you may need to simply log onto your Apple developer account and click on “iPhone SDK 3.0 Getting started videos“.

This is good stuff – although I would recommend getting the basics down before trying these new features (unless you are the type who just has to play around with code).