Examples of Objective-C Loops

Matthew Campbell, April 10th, 2009

Using loops to repeat actions in programming is a common task. Objective-C does this chore in more or less the same way as other programming languages. However, if you are still unfamiliar with the Objective-C syntax you may feel a little disoriented.

So, to help out I wrote out some examples of for, for-each, do and while loops for you:

There you go – feel free to add any of your own examples on the comments below!

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Each lesson comes packed with comprehensive video, source code and text. When appropriate I include hands-on exercises. Check out the list below to see what is specifically covered in each lesson:

- Lesson 1 – Overview of iPhone OS
- Lesson 2 – Introduction to Tools: XCode, Interface Builder & iPhone Simulator
- Lesson 3 – Your First App
- Lesson 4 – Super-Charge XCode

- Lesson 1 – What is Programming?
- Lesson 2 – C Programming Basics and Specifics
- Lesson 3 – Functions
- Lesson 4 – Variables and Arrays
- Lesson 5 – Program Flow
- Lesson 6 – Loops
- Lesson 7 – Complex Data with Struct
- Lesson 8 – Putting It All Together

- Lesson 1 – What is Object Oriented Programming?
- Lesson 2 – Objects
- Lesson 3 – More Strings, Lists and the For Each Loop
- Lesson 4 – Memory Management
- Lesson 5 – Designing Your Own Classes
- Lesson 6 – Extending Classes With Categories
- Lesson 7 – Protocols & Key-Value Coding

- Lesson 1 – Overview of Cocoa-Touch + Model-View-Controller
- Lesson 2 – Using Interface Builder (The View)
- Lesson 3 – Target-Action and the View in Code
- Lesson 4 – Delegation
- Lesson 5 – Super-Charging Your View With Interface Builder
- Lesson 6 – Model & App Architecture

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